11 oct 2011

Speed up your JDeveloper for 64bit systems

This options will increase the performance of your JDeveloper under 64bit systems with 4 or more GB or RAM.

First locate the file jdev.conf (on my system is C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\jdev\bin\jdev.conf)  and add this values:

#Extra tunning options
AddVMOption -XX:+AggressiveOpts
AddVMOption -XX:+UseStringCache
AddVMOption -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat
AddVMOption -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC
AddVMOption -XX:+UseCompressedOops
AddVMOption -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
AddVMOption -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit

AddVMOption  -XX:MaxPermSize=800M

After that configure your JVM to use more memory

Under directory C:\Oracle\dev_home\system11.\DefaultDomain\bin (or similar) the file setDomainEnv.bat (this only applies to 64 bit)
set XMS_SUN_64BIT=256
set XMS_SUN_32BIT=256
set XMX_SUN_64BIT=1024
set XMX_SUN_32BIT=512

Thats all, now your JDeveloper should be a bit faster 
