26 oct 2012

Validate check-in form fields with Javascript

At one of my current projects we faced the problem that the dDocName field was filled with no common characters by the user.

For example they insert spaces and letters (like áéíóú). This kind of contentID was breaking the indexer process of UCM.

Most of you will tell me to use the AUTO_NUMBER property of content server, but on some type of content, the user have to insert a specified dDocName for our SSXA Web project.

To prevent contentID like "BIOGRAFÍA CATALÁN", we developed a custom component that performs a JS validation before check-in process.

For the validation I've created a REGEX expresion that allows only letters, numbers and underscore.

This is the code inserted in the custom-component. As you see, this will "include" all system validations with the <$include super.custom_schema_validation_script_post$> sentence.
After that, starts our custom validation, we only have to return "false" if we want to cancel the check-in process.

<@dynamichtml custom_schema_validation_script_post@>
<$include super.custom_schema_validation_script_post$>
<$if ((dpAction like "CheckinSel" or dpAction like "CheckinNew" or dpAction like "Update"))$>
if (document.Checkin != null && document.Checkin.dDocName != null)
var name = document.Checkin.dDocName.value;
if(name != null && name != '' && name.length > 0)
 var rgx_docname = /^[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,30}$/;
 if (rgx_docname.test(name))
  vstatus = "Ok";
  vstatus = "Error";
  alert("Error: You cannot use non-ASCII characters for ContentID");
  return false;

Download here the custom-component for your customization and use.