31 oct 2014

NullPointerException on GET_SEARCH_RESULTS

I've just fixed a issue that was getting me crazy, this time we couln't search on our WebCenter Content with OracleTextSearch as indexer.

This is the stacktrace that appears on every search:

>services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7     !csUserEventMessage,admin.intranet,!$ intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csUnableToRetrieveSearchResults!csUnableToExecMethod,getSearchResults
 services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7     *ScriptStack GET_SEARCH_RESULTS
 services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7     3:getSearchResults,**no captured values**
 services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7             at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.buildServiceException(ServiceRequestImplementor.java:2176)
 services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7             ... 36 more
 services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7     Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
 services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7             at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:396)
 services/3     10.31 13:15:07.970      IdcServer-7             at intradoc.common.ClassHelperUtils.executeMethod(ClassHelperUtils.java:295)

We think that the issue was regarding the data base or the indexer packages needed, but as trace shows, no communication is done between WCC and DB.

Before our surrender and reinstall all the system, I've decompiled some sources (Oracle don't read this) and found the problem.

The line that launches our NPE was this:

props.put("IntradocServerHostName", SharedObjects.getEnvironmentValue("HttpServerAddress"));

After checking my "config.cfg" file I've found that the HttpServerAddress was commented...

Solution now is simple, uncomment the variable and restart the system... et voila! my search works again.